Being empathic might seem like a gift, but it can also bring many unwanted challenges. If you ever feel drained or exhausted from feeling everything on a much deeper level than others, you are not alone. As empaths, many of us have experienced overwhelming depression and anxiety.
As empaths, we often find ourselves feeling others’ emotions. While it can be therapeutic to release what we feel, it can often become overwhelming and unmanageable. When our emotions get the better of us, we can become anxious about others or resentful of their behavior. This can cause us to feel isolated, hopeless, and angry, leading to anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. While some people learn to live with their sensitivity, others turn to coping mechanisms like alcohol and drugs. Here are some better ways to cope:
Name the Feeling.
Coping with a feeling as an empath is hard and can feel like a burden with no end in sight. Empaths use feelings as a focal point for their lives and tend to literally feel other people’s feelings. This can become confusing, as the emotions they feel are not necessarily their own. To help separate these emotions, it can be helpful to name them. Taking note of the feeling will help to manage it, giving better control.
Spend time alone.
Being an empath is slightly different from being a psychic in that you are more aware of other people’s thoughts and emotions than your own. While empaths can tap into that energy, they usually cannot control it. This can lead to overwhelming feelings of anxiety and exhaustion. As a result, empaths are usually advised to spend time alone to clear their minds. During this time, you could consider consuming delta 9 gummies found on websites like, which can help relax your mind and alleviate some of the stress and tension associated with being an empath.
Alternatively, you can indulge in your hobbies or interests such as painting, listening to music, going for a jog, or even booking yourself in for a session of massage therapy in Boynton Beach, FL, as these activities can help you relax and clear your mind. Remember, whether you are an empath or not, spending time alone can be good for your body and your mental health.Lean on friends and family.
Most people with naturally strong empathy will have a range of emotions within just one hour. They can often feel happiness but also deep sadness or frustration. They can feel joy for another person’s success but also feel a deep sense of disappointment. Family and friends are key to managing these conflicting emotions, as they’re often able to help regulate mood. When friends and family are happy, an empath will also be happy.
Listen to music.
Music is a great way to get through the day, whether you have a tune playing in the background as you drive or blasting your favorite songs while cleaning and cooking. Many people also listen to music when they need to de-stress, whether working, hanging out with friends, or relaxing at home. Music is an emotive language, so empaths tend to relate deeply to it.
Take up a new hobby.
Being an empath means feeling the pain of others around you. You may experience emotions on a very physical level, which can be very distracting. To reduce this distraction, taking up a new hobby can give you something to focus on. Hobbies like painting, gardening, or learning a musical instrument are often solitary activities, allowing empaths to recharge in their own space. However, it’s important to have the right equipment and tools for your chosen hobby. For example, if you are interested in gardening, ensure you have the necessary space and gardening tools for planting. Similarly, if you want to learn a new instrument, such as the piano, make sure you have a well-set-up piano in your house and comfortable Piano Stools where you can learn and practice peacefully. Likewise, if you want to take up shooting as a hobby, then you need to buy the right pieces of equipment. From essential safety gear like earplugs and earmuffs to selecting the ideal firearm for your needs, each aspect plays a crucial role in ensuring a fulfilling and safe shooting experience. However, beyond the basics, investing in optical devices akin to Red Dot Sight and gun safes is equally important for enthusiasts looking to enhance their skills and protect their firearms.
Have Strong Boundaries.
When it comes to empaths, people must understand that they are emotional beings. Everyone has emotional triggers and outlets. Empaths, however, are more sensitive to the emotional energies of others. They become drained quickly, which becomes a problem if strong boundaries are not in place. Some people will exploit an empath to the point where they totally burn out, so it’s important to set a boundary to ensure this threshold is not stepped over.
It’s essential that empaths learn to handle their emotions. Rather than ignore or suppress them, it’s healthier to develop strategies that work to minimize distress. Start by learning about the difference between emotions and other sensations. Empaths often experience emotions as intensified versions of physical sensations. They can feel fear or sadness as if they were in physical pain, whilst joy and excitement can cause intense butterflies in the stomach and dizziness in the head. The tips above, however, should help manage this.